How To Choose Your First Sex Doll

Choosing your first sex doll can be an intimidating thing to do just because there are a lot of things you need to consider before actually paying the money and having the doll delivered to your door.

But worry not. We got you covered.

In this article, we will give you ten tips on how to choose your first sex doll through which we will point out the most important things you need to pay attention to and make the entire experience a breeze instead of being constantly stressed.

And without anything else to add, let’s jump right into the article with tip number one:

Consider Your Budget

Modern sex dolls come in a variety of forms, shapes, and sizes, and depending on your price range – you will find many options available to choose from.

And don’t fret, because even if you are on a tight budget but still want to treat yourself with a little something-something, you can always opt for a torso alone which includes boobs, vaginal, and anal opening.

This can also be a great option if you want to get a better idea of how it will feel before splurging on a life-sized, fully-equipped sex doll.

Good quality torsos usually go from $400 up to $1000 and they are generally easy to clean and maintain and require much less storage space than a life-sized doll.

Consider The Different Materials

Modern sex dolls are generally created by using silicone, TPE, or a combination of both materials.

Silicone sex dolls tend to be more expensive and realistic looking, but a lot of people prefer TPE because it’s cheaper and softer to the touch which makes it perfect for your first purchase.

We’ve talked about the differences between these two materials in a previous blog; however, to summarise, silicone sex dolls are tried and tested, they’ve been around for longer and they’re generally more durable.

A TPE sex doll has the same characteristics as a silicone doll and is generally better value for money than other varieties.

However, the main drawback of TPE material is that it’s not as durable as silicone and it can be damaged easily, so you need to be extra careful with your TPE doll.

To read more about the differences between silicone and TPE sex dolls, check out our other article by clicking here.

Consider The Doll’s Size

When choosing your first sex doll, you need to consider her size for the simple reason that the doll’s size usually determines her weight, and the heavier the doll is – the more strength you’d need to have to move her around.

Full-sized dolls above 5 feet tall are heavier than smaller dolls and can weigh up to 40 kilos.

Consider that you will need to pick up this 40-kilo doll and move her around by yourself, so if you have mobility issues or you aren’t that strong, this may be a problem for you.

If you think this may be a problem for you, opting for a smaller doll may be the best solution as these dolls are also created with realistic features, including big breasts, a couple of orifices, and realistic faces; however, they are much lighter than their life-sized counterpart.



Create Your Perfect Doll With The Customization Option

Customization is also a great option for first-time sex doll buyers because it allows you to create the Lady of your dreams that is specifically tailored to your taste.

At Kanadoll, we offer two types of customization:

Basic customization allows you to choose every part of the doll’s body, including the hairstyle, eye color, skin color, cup size, areola color, nails, standing feature, etc.

The items you can customize include free options and paid options.

You can find these options on every product page and all you have to do to access them is to click on a sex doll that you already like and select the desired changes you want to make which are located next to the main photo.

But besides basic customization, we are also offering a complete customization option that allows you to build sex dolls based on a picture, design, or other specifications you may want to include.

For example, if you want a doll that is the same as an anime character, simply provide us with her pictures or videos and we will do the rest for you.

To see a step-by-step guide on how to customize your perfect sex doll down to the smallest detail as well as how long it usually takes for a doll to be created based on specifications, click here.

Pay Attention To The Available Orifices

If you already found something you like and you decide to opt-out of using the customization option, the only thing you need to pay attention to are the available orifices.

Some sex dolls come with three standard orifices which are vaginal, oral, and anal openings, while others only consist of two (usually vaginal and anal), depending on the design.

The easiest way to recognize right off the bat whether the doll you like has an extra (oral) opening is to look at the lips and see whether they look slightly parted in the pictures or are completely shut and there’s lipstick painted over them.

If the doll’s lips look slightly parted, chances are that she has an extra usable orifice but to make sure she does, always check the extra details listed somewhere in the description.

If the doll you selected doesn’t have an extra orifice but you would like to add one, it’s best to contact the manufacturer and see whether they can modify the doll at your request.

Consider Getting a Few Ad-Ons With Your Sex Doll

When buying your first sex doll, you may also want to consider getting a few add-ons that will just make the experience more exciting and pleasurable in the beginning.

For example, getting a few different pairs of lingerie, clothes, wigs, some makeup, could give you a little bit of variety and a break from the usual.

On the other hand, you should also look into warming tools such as a vaginal warmer that will heighten the temperature of the doll and make it warmer and somewhat close to your body temperature or just a blanket that will protect your doll while also keeping her warm.

At Kanadoll, we give a few of these items, including a comb, warmer, lingerie, and a soft blanket as gifts for every purchased sex doll, so make sure to take a look around on our website and see our frequent offers and discounts we offer.

Think Of Storage

When buying your first sex doll, one of the most important things to consider is storage.

You need to have adequate storage space for a full-sized doll, where you can lay her down horizontally without bending her limbs or twisting her head or body in any way.

Remember that a life-sized doll is quite big, so if privacy is an issue because you don’t live alone, think of some alternative options like investing in a wooden storage box that can fit under your bed or a hanging hook that you can hang in your wardrobe.

Alternatively, if this isn’t a good enough option, consider getting a smaller doll, or a torso because these are easier to keep hidden as they don’t need a large space to fit.

Investing In Cleaning Supplies Is a Must

One of the most important things when owning a sex doll is her hygiene. Messing about and leaving her unwashed for long periods can potentially put your health at risk so try to avoid that the best you can.

Don’t forget that leaving any residues of bodily fluids inside your doll can become a breeding ground for bacteria which will then be transferred onto your skin with the next use.

Besides that, leaving anything wet in your sex doll for a long time can contribute to the growth of mold which is not only outright disgusting but also hazardous.

Therefore, to avoid these instances that can potentially have unfortunate outcomes, consider investing in these basic cleaning supplies:

  • an antibacterial cleanser to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria
  • a bottle cleaning brush to easily wash her orifices
  • a vaginal or anal irrigator to wash out any residues of the cleanser

Additionally, you should consider wrapping your doll in a white cotton sheet after you give her a good bath to dry off some excess water.

Avoid using towels as these will shed some lint on the skin which will then be very difficult to remove.

Avoid Ruining Your Doll With Harmful Chemicals

Modern sex dolls are built to be resilient and can last for years.

However, that doesn’t mean they are indestructible, which is why you should be exceptionally careful how you’re handling them, especially if you are a new sex doll owner who’s just learning the hang of it.

The first and most important thing to do to prevent damage is to avoid ruining your doll’s skin by touching it with harmful chemicals.

Components such as alcohol, oil, paint, creams, silicone-based lubes, and lotions should stay away from your sex doll at all times as these can smudge the skin and cause permanent staining.

But besides ruining her skin, oil-based components may very well contribute to the degradation of both silicone and TPE materials.

A better option to maintain her skin and prevent damage is to powder her up after each wash and use water-based lube when having your sexy time with her.

These two things are simple, cost-effective, and are guaranteed to not damage your doll’s skin.

Get In Touch With The Manufacturer

When choosing your first sex doll, you want to be sure the website is legit in terms of showing accurate photos, offering good shipping rates, safe and discreet delivery, and whether they have a return policy.

An easy way to make sure of all these things is to get in touch with the manufacturer and ask them any questions you may have.

Most manufacturers will be more than happy to communicate with you and give you answers that will put your mind at rest.

Additionally, if you don’t know where to start, check out our blog post on five reputable websites where you can buy your sex dolls without worrying you are going to get ripped off.

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