European Stocked Sex dolls

· Want to Receive Your Purchase in Less Time?
We highly recommended you check out the sex dolls stocked at our overseas warehouses. They are ready and waiting to get shipped! Delivery usually takes 3-7 working days.
· Why Are the Sex Dolls Stocked at Warehouses Cheaper?
Sex dolls located at our warehouses have been shipped in advance, and at bulk, to distribution centres via cheaper shipping methods such as ocean freight. This allows us to sell them for less, and for you to receive them sooner.
1.These dolls do not allow customization because they are already built and ready to be shipped.
2.Stock sex dolls are in perfect condition and brand new.
3.These dolls are only sold in the EU.
4.Sex Doll In Stock: Cleaning Kit (50% OFF) + Lubricant
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JIUSHENG DOLL Flash Sale aibei doll Funwest Doll firedoll Galaxy dolls dollscastle doll $50 0ff rifrano doll SY doll Starpery doll