To Add or Not to Add Stand Feet for Dolls?

In the process of collecting and caring for dolls, a common question arises: Should I add stand feet to my dolls? This question goes beyond mere aesthetics and delves into the practical use and preservation of dolls.

According to the experiences of many adult doll collectors, not adding stand feet to dolls may result in the dolls being unable to stand for extended periods or even not stand at all. This is because the doll’s feet come into contact with hard surfaces or shoe soles, leading to wear and tear. No one wants their beloved dolls to have worn-out and damaged soles.

After adding stand feet, dolls can stand more stably, which is particularly crucial for collectors who enjoy displaying dolls in three-dimensional scenes. The presence of stand feet not only enhances the vibrancy of the doll during display but also effectively prevents the doll’s feet from directly touching the ground, extending the doll’s lifespan.

If you plan to keep the doll lying on a bed, hanging, or simply appreciate it as a pure collectible item, whether to add stand feet can be based on personal preference. However, if you intend for the doll to stand for extended periods, such as being showcased in a display cabinet, it is strongly recommended to add stand feet to ensure the doll’s stability and overall appearance.

In summary, the necessity of adding stand feet to dolls depends on your intended use and display requirements. Before making a decision, consider the scenes and poses you want to showcase the doll in, as well as your expectations for preserving the doll. Through thoughtful choices, you can better protect and showcase your beloved dolls, allowing them to shine brightly in your collection.

For more questions regarding adult dolls, you can check out our beginner’s guide.

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